
Notice of Annual General Meeting

Notice is hereby given that the 2022 Annual General Meeting of the Multifaith Action Society of BC will be held on Tuesday, May 31 2022 at 7:00pm.


If you are able, please join us in-person in the Fireside Room at the Unitarian Church of Vancouver (949 West 49 Avenue). Or, if you would prefer to attend virtually, a Zoom link can be provided upon request (all attendees are asked to please RSVP by sending an email to admin@multifaithaction.org).


The AGM provides an opportunity for Multifaith's staff and Directors to update members and the general public on the work of the Society over the past year, and enter into constructive dialogue around its plans and intentions for the immediate future. Our AGMs are lively and lighthearted, with a focus on social connection and the sharing of good news and good food. Please join us, you will be a welcome addition! 


We are looking to grow our board of directors!

  • Are you interested in becoming more involved in the global interfaith movement?
  • Are you looking to join a dynamic and diverse group of people committed to a common goal?
  • Do you have a valuable perspective to contribute, or ideas you would like to see put in to action?

If so, we would love to hear from you! Previous non-profit and/or board governance experience would be considered an asset, but isn't required. The Board meets once each month (excepting July and August), and there are many other opportunities for further involvement - for instance, serving on our Multifaith Calendar working group or assisting in the production of events.

You can learn more about our organization and its legacy on our website.

To submit an expression of interest, or for more information about responsibilities and commitments, please contact admin@multifaithaction.org.