A Storytelling party!


6:45 Doors open: Mingling

7:08 Welcome by Aneeta (land acknowledgement)

7:10 Devotional Program

  • Wiccan blessing
  • Bahái chant (Connie)
  • Christian prayer (Aneeta)

7:25 WIHW (Connie)

7:28 Introduction to the evening (Aneeta)

  • Craft table (bookmarks)
  • Blessing tree
  • Donation for refugee family
  • How the storytelling circles work (10 minutes in each circle for a story and conversation)

7:30 Break into storytelling circles (people go to 3 of the 5 circles)

8:10 Refreshment and Craft Break

8:25 Break into storytelling circles (people go to 2 of the 5 circles)

9:05 Come together informally to visit and have more refreshments.

9:30 Farewell


Email: admin@multifaithaction.org
